keywpars: Translate the image header keywords used in ASTUTIL package

Package: astutil




ra = "RA"
Right Ascension keyword. (Value in HMS format).
dec = "DEC"
Declination keyword. (Value in HMS format).
ut = "UT"
UT of observation keyword. This field is the UT start of the observation. (Value in HMS Format).
utmiddle = "UTMIDDLE"
UT mid-point of observation keyword. This field is the UT mid-point of the observation. (Value in HMS Format).
exptime = "EXPTIME"
Exposure time keyword. (Value in Seconds).
epoch = "EPOCH"
Epoch of coordinates keyword. (Value in Years).
date_obs = "DATE-OBS"
Date of observation keyword. Format for this field should be dd/mm/yy (old FITS format), yyyy-mm-dd (new FITS format), or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss (new FITS format with time).


hjd = "HJD"
Heliocentric Julian date keyword. (Value in Days).
mjd_obs = "MJD-OBS"
Modified Julian Data keyword. The MJD is defined as the Julian date of the mid-point of the observation - 2440000.5. (Value in Days).
vobs = "VOBS"
Observed radial velocity keyword. (Value in Km/sec).
vrel = "VREL"
Observed radial velocity keyword. (Value in Km/sec).
vhelio = "VHELIO"
Corrected heliocentric radial velocity keyword. (Value in Km/sec).
vlsr = "VLSR"
Local Standard of Rest velocity keyword. (Value in Km/sec).
vsun = "VSUN"
Epoch of solar motion. (Character string with four real valued fields describing the solar velocity (km/sec), the RA of the solar velocity (hours), the declination of the solar velocity (degrees), and the epoch of solar coordinates (years)).


The image header keywords used by the fxcor task can be edited if they differ from the NOAO standard keywords. For example, if the image header keyword giving the exposure time for the image is written out as "EXP-TIME" instead of the standard "OTIME" at a given site, the keyword accessed for that information may be changed based on the value of the exptime parameter.


1. List the image header keywords.

as> lpar keywpars

2. Edit the image header keywords

as> keywpars


First version. Currently only used by the RVCORRECT task.

See also

fxcor, rvcorrect