pvol: Project volume image (generates ‘rotating’ volume images)

Package: vol


pvol input output


Input 3d or 4d image (datacube).
Output datacube, one image band per rotation (type real only).
nframes = (360 / degrees)
Number of frames to generate, 1 per rotation.
degrees = 10
Number of degrees to rotate datacube for each successive projection.
theta0 = 0.0
Initial projection angle for rotation sequence by degrees increments. Measured counterclockwise from +x axis when looking back toward the image origin.
ptype = 2
Projection type; 1 = opacity: attenuation along projection column by voxel opacity value. 2 = average voxel intensity along projection column. 3 = sum of voxel intensities. 4 = proportional distance weighting: voxel intensity along projection column weighted by (curvoxel / voxels_in_column) **dispower. 5 = mod(n): same as proportional distance weighting, but use only voxel values which match mod(normalized_voxel * 100) = modn. 6 = use last voxel value within cutoffs only.
imin, imax = INDEF
Input voxel intensity ranges within which to apply intensity transformation. Defaults to input image min and max if not specified (see comments below).
omin, omax = INDEF
Input voxel opacity ranges within which to apply opacity transformation. Defaults to input image min and max if not specified (see comments below).
amin, amax = 0.0, 1.0
Attenuation factor minimum and maximum for ptype=1 (opacity). Voxel values <= omin map to attenuation factor amin, >= omax map to attenuation amax.
izero = 1.0
Initial background iillumination intensity when ptype = 1 (opacity). This intensity will be attenuated consecutively by (transformed voxel_value * oscale) along the projection column toward the projection plane.
oscale = 1.0
Voxel opacity scale factor. Multiplied by voxel value before attenuating remaining light along projection column for ptype = 1.
opacelem = 1
Opacity element in 4th dimension of input image. When input image is 4d, and there are two elements in the 4th dimension, the opacelem element will be treated as opacity and the other will be considered intensity.
dispower = 2.0
Inverse distance weighting power for ptype = 4,5. Voxel intensities will be multiplied by (voxel position in column / voxels in column) ** dispower before being summed into the output projection pixel.
discutoff = no
When distance weighting, measure the distance within that set of projecting voxels that lies between the intensity cutoffs rather than from the edges of the datacube. Usually results in faster run times and is appropriate when the interior of a well-defined object is of interest rather than its placement inside the datacube.
modn = 10
For ptype=5, only voxel values satisfying mod (int (voxval * 100.0)) = modn will be proportional distance-weighted and summed into projection pixel. Useful for viewing volume interiors with high contrast voxel values (like solid objects in an otherwise empty datacube).
vecx = 1.0
Rotation axis X vector. Part of the specification of a three-dimensional orientation vector around which the datacube will appear to rotate when viewed from the front. PROTOTYPE only supports rotations around the x axis.
vecy, vecz = 0.0
Rotation axis Y and Z vectors. In prototype, must be zero.
title = ""
Output datacube title for rotation sequence.
maxws = 2000000
Maximum workingset size in chars (usually 2 bytes). Decrease if machine performance degrades noticeably during a run. Increase if the machine has lots of memory and PVOL does not affect other processes.
abs = no
If yes, take absolute value of voxel before applying any transformation.
verbose = yes
Report memory usage, progress around the rotation, and more detail on errors if yes.


PVOL is used for visualizing the interiors of three-dimensional images. Opacity and intensity information is used to construct projected 2d images approximating an "xray" view through the original "solid", with varying amounts of apparent translucency. Playing the resulting 2d images back rapidly as a filmloop generates the impression of a rotating translucent datacube inside of which you can view much of the original information with the illusion of seeing it in 3 dimensions.

Given an input datacube plus rotation and projection parameters, PVOL produces a series of projected 2d images written out as another datacube. Rotation parameters control the number of frames to project, their angular separation, and the 3 vectors comprising the axis of rotation. In the prototype, only one rotation axis is allowed, counterclockwise about the X-axis when viewed facing the origin from +X (however, the user is viewing the datacube from -Z, and so sees the datacube rotating toward him/her). When off-axis rotations are added, the view angle will still be from the front of the datacube. Non-orthogonal rotations in the prototype will have to be accomplished by first rotating the input datacube appropriately with other tools.

Projection parameters provide control over the appearance of the projected images. They may be tuned to visually enhance the apparent placement of interior regions in three dimensions during the rotation sequence. Frames from the output datacube may be viewed individually on standard image display devices, may be played back rapidly with filmloop tools, or may be recorded to video as smooth, rotating volumes. [At present the only filmloop tool available to us is MOVIE on Sun workstations, which requires preprocessing the datacube output from this task with another task called I2SUN].

Sequences where the volume's rotation axis is the same as the viewing or projection axis are little more useful than a block average of the datacube, as hidden regions never rotate into view. Volume rotations about the cube's X-axis (viewed from the front, or -Z) are the fastest and the only type implemented in the prototype.

The ptype parameter provides control over the type of projection. There are three main types of projection: opacity, intensity, and both together. If the input datacube is 4-dimensional, with two elements in the 4th dimension, both opacity and intensity information will be used -- first the remaining light along the projection will be attenuated by the opacity function, then the new voxel's intensity contribution added, according to ptype. Before the projection function is applied, the raw voxel intensity or opacity is clipped and scaled by transformation functions under control of task parameters. The image MIN and MAX must be present in the input image header, or they will default to 0.0 and 1.0 and a warning will be issued (run IMAGES.MINMAX with update=yes to set them if not already present). If intensity information is being used, imin and imax must be specified, or they will default to the image min and max. First we consider the intensity/opacity transformation functions, then we discuss how the transformed value contributes to the final projected image.

Intensity transformation:

if (voxval < imin)
    newval = imin
else if (imin <= voxval && voxval < imax)
    newval = im_min + (im_max-im_min) * (voxval-imin)/(imax-imin)
    newval = imax

Opacity transformation (0.0 <= attenuation <= 1.0):
if (voxval < omin)      # let maximum amount of light through
    attenuation = amax
else if (omin <= voxval && voxval < omax)
    attenuation = amin + (amax-amin) * (voxval*oscale - omin) /
else                    # let minimum amount of light through
    attenuation = amin

The intensity class of projections includes ptype = 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The default, ptype 2, results in the AVERAGE transformed intensity along the projection column, while type 3 yields the SUM of transformed intensities.

Type 4, PROPORTIONAL DISTANCE WEIGHTING, is used in conjunction with the dispower parameter to weight the transformed voxel intensities by their inverse proportional depth along the projection column. If discutoff is no, the default, the distance will be that portion of the datacube intersected by the projection ray, measured starting at the rear (far side from the projection plane). If discutoff is yes, the distance will be measured between the first and last voxels that fell between the cutoffs imin and imax. This projection generates a kind of depth cueing often useful in determining visually during filmloop playback which portions of the rotating image are in the foreground and which in the background (and how far). The distance weighting is accomplished as follows, where voxposition and totvoxels are determined according to discutoff:

ptype = 4 (distance weighting):
newval = newval * (voxposition / voxelsincolumn) ** dispower

ptype = 5, MODULAR PROPORTIONAL DISTANCE WEIGHTING, is useful for better seeing into the interiors of high-contrast datacubes. Rather than using each voxel value along the projection column, only certain voxel values contribute, based on the modn parameter (sometimes it is necessary to artificially "thin out" the data to see far enough into or through it).

ptype = 5 (modular distance weighting):
if (mod (int (newval/val_range * 100)) = modn)
    use newval as in normal distance weighting
    ignore newval

ptype = 6 results in only the LAST transformed voxel intensity that is between the imin and imax cutoffs being used. This corresponds to seeing only the outer surface of datacube interior regions between the cutoffs (though since not every projection ray will pass through voxels right on the cutoff boundary, this will not necessarily result in a three dimensional intensity contour of an interior object; i.e. the intensities of those outer voxels can vary).

OPACITY information can be used in viewing the interiors of 3d images, unlike in 2d images. For ptype=1 parallel rays of light may be pictured shining through the datacube toward the projection plane, along the normal to that plane. The voxel values in this case are considered to represent a degree of opacity, and a column of light will be attenuated by each voxel according to a function of its opacity value as the ray proceeds through the volume. The izero parameter provides the initial incident "light" intensity before any attenuation. The amount of remaining light after projection through the datacube is very sensitive to the voxel opacities and the number of voxels in each projection column. Consequently, the oscale parameter is supplied to enable adjusting the relative attenuation in a single step while scouting for the right opacity transformation function to generate the desired effect during playback rotation. Given the amount of attenuation as determined in the opacity transformation function above, for each contributing voxel along the projection column:

projection pixel = projection pixel * attenuation

If the input image is 4-dimensional, with 2 elements in the 4th dimension, voxel intensities will be added after attenuation to contribute to the total projected pixel value (like a cloud with both absorption and emission). For purposes of visualization only, it is not necessary that the voxel value represent a physically real opacity; any data value may be treated as attenuating an imaginary xray passing through the solid in order to help image the volume in three apparent dimensions.

For all of the projection types, once the modified intensity has been determined, it contributes to the output pixel onto which the current, arbitrarily-oriented column of voxels projects. To summarize:

    proj_pix = proj_pix * attenuation
    proj_pix = proj_pix + newval / nvox
3 SUM:
    proj_pix = proj_pix + newval
    proj_pix = proj_pix + newval * (vox/voxincol)**dispow
5 MOD:
    if mod (int (newval/val_range * 100.0)) = modn
        proj_pix = proj_pix + newval * (vox/voxincol)**dispow
    if (imin < newval && newval <= imax)
        proj_pix = newval

Performance and size constraints

Projections through 3d images inherently require large amounts of memory, or else the tasks will spend all their time thrashing with I/O. In volume rotations about the X-axis, each output pixel is derived by projecting at an arbitrary angle through a YZ slice of the input image. Because of otherwise excessive thrashing, PVOL requires sufficient memory for at least one YZ slice. The more YZ slices that will fit into memory at one time, the better, because I/O is more efficient the larger the chunk of the image that can be read at one time. It is best if the entire image will fit into memory, as the output image (all rotations) will not have to be reread for each successive chunk of YZ slices. Available memory is that actually allocable by PVOL for the slices plus one line of the output image. On a workstation there will usually be considerably less memory available for PVOL than the amount physically in the machine if running in a window environment. Examples of the number of YZ slices that will fit based on image size and available memory follow; image datatype is assumed to be REAL -- multiply number of YZ slices by 2 for SHORT images.

Usable Memory   Image Size      Approx YZ Slices
1 Mb            64*64*64        64 (whole image)
1 Mb            512*512*512     1
4 Mb            101*101*101     101 (whole image)
4 Mb            1024*1024*1024  1
8 Mb            128*128*128     128 (whole image)
8 Mb            1448*1448*1448  1
16 Mb           161*161*161     161 (whole image)
16 Mb           2048*2048*2048  1
32 Mb           203*203*203     203 (whole image)
32 Mb           2896*2896*2896  1
64 Mb           256*256*256     256 (whole image)
128 Mb          322*322*322     322 (whole image)
512 Mb          512*512*512     512 (whole image)

PVOL checks to see how much memory it can grab, then actually allocates somewhat less than this (otherwise you wouldn't be able to do anything except run IRAF tasks already loaded in the process cache until PVOL finishes). With verbose on, the task reports memory usage figures. On some machines the system will continue to allocate more memory for a task even above that reported by PVOL. This can be a problem if you fire up PVOL from a workstation (even with lots of windows already open); after you log out, the system may grab that extra memory you were using, and not even let you back in later. This is why the maxws parameter is supplied -- lower it if this type of behavior is experienced.


1.  Produce 36 rotation projections (one every 10 degrees) around the
    x-axis of a datacube, viewed from the front (negative z
    direction).  Assume that the single-valued input voxel values
    are intensities, and that the image header contains MIN and MAX.

    cl> pvol input output

2.  Generate 180 frames, one every two degrees.

    cl> pvol input output nframes=180 degrees=2

3.  Use inverse proportional distance cubed weighting in two
    subsampled projections for a quick look.  Distance-weight
    only between projection voxels falling within the specified
    cutoffs (0.1 to 1.0).

    cl> pvol input[*:4,*:4,*:4] output nfr=2 deg=90 ptype=4 \
        dispower=3 discutoff+ imin=.1 imax=1.0

4.  Project through a 4d image containing opacity information in
    element 2 of the 4th axis and intensity in element 1.  Scale
    the voxel opacities by 0.1 to allow more light through.  Use
    the SUM of the voxel intensity values (which will be attenuated
    by subsequent opacities), with no distance weighting.

    cl> pvol input output ptype=3 opacelem=2


1min 12sec cpu on an unloaded Sun-4 to produce 36 rotation increments around a 50*50*50 datacube with ptype=2 (uses less than 1 Mb of memory for image data); 46sec for ptype=1; 2min 19sec for ptype=4.

4min 32sec cpu on an unloaded Sun-3 with 8 Mb memory to do 36 steps around a 50*50*50 datacube with ptype=2 (also uses less than 1 Mb); 3min 20sec for ptype=1; 10min 51sec for ptype=4.

17hr 20 min cpu on a Sun-4 to do 36 rotation steps around a 450*450*450 datacube with ptype=4.


Maximizing memory usage without adversely impacting other functions can be tricky. Adverse effects may result from using too high a maxws.

Cannot rotate around arbitrary axis yet.

Lacks shading algorithm.

Needs easier user interface to adjust translucency parameters (e.g. with mouse when workstations become fast enough to do this in real time).

See also

i2sun, im3dtran, im3dstack