devices: Print information on the locally available devices

Package: system

Device      Aliases      Description+Location

lw1         apl             HP LaserJet-4M, outside Rm B50-A
lw1p2                       lw1 with 2 landscape pages per page
lw2         apl2            HP LaserJet-4000N, Rm 135
lw2p2                       lw2 with 2 landscape pages per page
lw3         apl3            HP LaserJet-5M, Engineering Mezzanine
lw4         apl4            Apple LaserWriter, Rm 192
lw6         apl6            HP LaserJet-4MV, Drafting
lw7         apl7|tops       Apple Laserwriter, NSO mail room, Rm 152
lw8         apple8          Apple Laserwriter, Employee's Lounge
lw9                         Apple Laserwriter, hallway near NSO Dir. office
lw10                        HP LaserJet-5M, Rm 101 (computer room)
lw14                        HP LaserJet-5N, DMAC
lw16                        HP LaserJet 4M Plus, Rm 72
lw20                        HP LaserJet-4M Plus, DMAC
lw29                        HP LaserJet-4M, Rm 27 (visitor office)
lwdp                        HP LaserJet-5M, duplex printer, Rm 101
clp                         Tektronix Phaser 200e, color PS printer, Rm 101
clp2                        Tektronix Phaser 360, color printer, Rm 101
clp2t                       Tektronix Phaser 360, transparency tray for clp2
vmsprint    vmslp           VMS cluster lineprinter, Rm 101 (computer room)
vapl                        DECLaser 1100, VMS only
lw          lp|lpr          Default UNIX `lpr' printer(*)
psdump                      PostScript file named /tmp/irafdmp$$.ps
epsf        eps             EPS file ./sgi$$.eps, portrait mode
epsfl       epsl            EPS file ./sgi$$.eps, landscape mode
epshalf     epsh            halfpage portrait EPS file, ./sgi$$.eps

(*)This device is available on UNIX systems only.  A specific output
device may be selected by defining PRINTER in the user environment.

All the ``lw'' devices can be specified as shown above with a trailing
`s' to indicate a finer linewidth will be used, intended for small, dense
plots, e.g., lw1s.

gemini!mta=mta6250,mta1600     HP 1/2" tapedrive, Rm 101
gemini!mtb        [8500]       Exabyte Eliant 820, Rm 101
gemini!mtc        [8200]       Exabyte 8200, Rm 101
gemini!mtd        [8200]       Exabyte 8200, Rm 101
gemini!mte,mtehi  [8200|8500]  Exabyte 8505, Rm 101
gemini!mtj        [READ only]  HP DAT, RM 101
gemini!mtm                     Seagate DAT, Rm 101
ursa!mta=mta1600,mta6250       HP 1/2" tapedrive, Rm 101
ursa!mtb=mtb1600,mtb6250       HP 1/2" tapedrive, Rm 101
ursa!mtd,mtdhi    [8200|8500]  Exabyte 8505XL, Rm 101
ursa!mte,mtehi    [8200|8500]  Exabyte 8505XL, Rm 101
ursa!mtf          [READ only]  HP DAT, Rm 101
ursa!mtm=mtmhi                 DLT-7000, Rm 101
ursa!mtn                       Seagate DAT, Rm 101
ursa!mto          [8500]       Exabyte Eliant 820, Rm 101
ursa!mtp=mtphi                 DLT-7000, Rm 101
bigx!mtb,mtbhi    [8200|8500]  Exabyte 8505XL, Rm 101
bigx!mtc                       Seagate DAT, Rm 101
orion!mta                      Seagate DAT, Rm 101
argo!mta,mtahi    [8200|8500]  Exabyte 8505XL, Argo lab in basement
argo!mtb          [8500]       Exabyte Eliant 820, Argo lab in basement
pandora!mtr       [8200]       Exabyte 8200, Library
draco!mtg                      WANG DAT
draco!mti                      HP 1/2" tapedrive, Rm 101 [VMS cluster only]
draco!mtj                      Exabyte 8200, Rm 101 [VMS cluster only]