export: Convert IRAF images to some other format

Package: dataio


export images binfiles


The list of input IRAF images to be converted. The list may contain either 2-D images or 3-D images. Any number of 2-D images may be combined to a single output file, only one 3-D image (or section) at a time may be converted. See the Builtin Formats section for notes about the number of image expressions required for each builtin format and the handling of 3-D image data. Images greater than three dimensions should be converted using image sections.
The list of output binary files to create. If any of the builtin formats is selected for conversion the filename will have an extension added reflecting the format (if it is not already given).


format = "raw"
The type of binary file to write. If the value is "raw" then the input images are converted directly to a raw binary raster using the task parameters. If the value is "list" the pixel values will be written to the standard output after evaluation of the outbands parameter in the same format as would appear from the LISTPIX task. Finally, the value may include any of the currently supported specific builtin formats:
eps             - Encapsulated PostScript
gif             - Compuserve's GIF format
imh             - IRAF OIF image
miff            - ImageMagick MIFF format image
pgm             - PBMPlus PGM format image
ppm             - PBMPlus PPM format image
ras             - Sun rasterfile format
rgb             - SGI RGB format image
xwd             - X11 Window dump file
If any of these builtin formats is selected one or more of the following parameters may be ignored. See the Builtin Formats section for notes about the formats supported by this task.
outbands = ""
Output image band expressions to write. This is a comma-delimited list of expressions or an @-file containing the expressions. Evaluated expressions do not all need to be the same length since the output image will be padded to the maximum size. See below for more information.
verbose = no
Print verbose output to the screen during conversion?


outtype = ""
Output pixel type if format is set to "raw" or "list". This is a string giving the type and size of each pixel, the syntax for the outtype entry is
    type = b            # byte
           u            # unsigned (short) integer
           i            # signed integer
           r            # ieee floating point
           n            # native floating point

    nbytes = 1, 2, 4, or 8
If no value for nbytes is given the smallest size for the given type (i.e. 1 byte for 'b', 2 bytes for ints, 4 bytes for floating point) will be used. If no value is entered at all the type of the input image is used, for multiple images used to create a single binary file the type of the first image is used. This parameter is ignored for builtin format output options.
interleave = 0
Pixel interleave type. If the outbands parameter is composite (i.e. a comma-delimited list of expressions) the output file is pixel interleaved and the interleave parameter is ignored. If the outbands parameter is a single expression the file is line-interleaved when the interleave value is a positive integer. If the outbands is an empty string or a single expression the binary file is band interleaved if this parameter is zero. This parameter is ignored for builtin formats where the pixel storage is predefined.
bswap = "no"
Type of byte-swapping to perform on output. The default is bswap=no which may be abbreviated "bswap-" (similarly a value of 'yes' can be abbreviated "bswap+"). If disabled no byte-swapping is performed, if set all integers are swapped on output relative to the current machine's byte ordering. Values of 'i2' or 'i4' will swap only two or four byte integers respectively, floating point values remain unswapped. This parameter may be used by some builtin formats that don't have a specified byte order.


The export task will convert one or more images in an input list to a binary raster file, a text listing of pixels values, or one of several specific file formats. For general binary rasters, various pixel types, data interleaving, and the byte order can be specified. An optional header may be added to the output file. Arbitrary arithmetic expressions, using both standard and custom functions, may be applied to the images in the input list before conversion allowing the user to scale intensity values, change image orientation, compute colormaps, or compute output pixel values.

The format parameter controls the type of output generated: if set to raw a binary file described by the outtype, interleave, and bswap parameters is written with pixel values determined from the expressions in the outbands parameter. The value of outtype defines the output pixel size and type (long or short ints, native or IEEE reals, see parameter description for details). The bswap parameter can be used to set the byte order (relative to the current machine) of integer values, this parameter is ignored for floating point pixels or builtin formats with a specified byte order. The outbands and interleave parameters define the pixel storage in the binary file. For multiple outbands expressions the data are assumed to be pixel interleaved (e.g. written as { {RGB}, {RGB} ...} triplets). For single expressions, a positive value of interleave indicates that the data are written in a line-interleaved manner (e.g. a line of R, a line of G, ...). If interleave is zero and outbands is a single expression then no interleaving is done and the image bands are written sequentially. If outbands is the null string, all pixels in a single input image will be written to a single output file. Error checking is done to make sure the combination of these parameters is correct. If the header parameter is "yes" a text header describing how the data were written will be prepended to the file, setting the header parameter to the reserved string "long" will cause the image header for each input image to be saved in the standard header. The header parameter may also be the name of a user-defined file to prepend to the output instead of the standard header.

If the format parameter is set to "list" the pixels values will be written to the screen as an ascii list of pixel coordinates followed by the pixel value. Pixel coordinates are determined using the same interleaving scheme as above, values are determined by evaluating each outbands expression.

Lastly, the format parameter may be any of the currently supported builtin formats. See the section on Builtin Formats for more information and the restrictions or requirements of each format.

More on outbands expressions

The simplest specification for outbands is a null string, in which case the image is converted directly (i.e. band storage, pixels converted to output type). Arbitrary interpreted arithmetic expressions using standard and custom functions and operators are also supported. If the images parameter is a list of 3-D images the operand names are the predefined tags b1, b2, ... bN for the bands in each image, the binfiles parameter must contain an equal number of output files. To convert multiple 3-D images they must either be sliced to individual 2-D images (or specified as image sections) or stacked into a single image. If the images parameter is a list of 2-D images (or sections) the operand names are the predefined tags i1, i2, ... iN for the each image in the input list, the b1, b2, etc names are also recognized. For more complex or lengthy expressions the outbands parameter may alternatively be an @-file containing the expressions. Within this @-file whitespace and newline characters are ignored to allow expressions to be indented in a readable manner.

The image operands determine which input images in the list are converted to which output files. For 3-D input images one IRAF image is converted for each output file in the list, for 2-D images multiple images may be converted to a single output file. In the latter case the list pointers are updated automatically to keep track of the images. For example, to convert six images to two output files, the outbands expression should contain three images operands. The first three images in the list will be used in evaluating the expressions for the first output file, the last three for the second file.

The image tags may be reordered in the expression but still refer to e.g. band-1, band-2 and so on. For example (where rgbim is a 512x512x3 image, and rim, gim, and bim are 512x512 images),

cl> export rgbim file outtype="u2" header-                       (1)
cl> export rgbim file outtype="u2" header- outbands="b3,b2,b1"   (2)
cl> export rim,gim,bim file outty="u2" outbands="i3,i2,i1"       (3)
cl> export rim,gim,bim file outty="b" outbands="gray(i1,i2,i3)"  (4)

Example (1) converts the input image pixels to a raw binary file of unsigned short integers with no header written as one image band following another. In example (2) the order of the bands is reversed and the binary file is stored as pixel interleaved BGR triplets of short ints. Example (3) is the same as (2) except that the input images in the list are reordered instead of bands within a single image. When using the image tags the input list is updated to account for this, so it is allowed to have more input images than output binary files. In example (4) the three images are converted to a single grayscale image before being written as byte data to the binary file. More complex and detailed examples are given below.

Individual outbands expressions are composed of operators and operands in general interpreted arithmetic expressions as follows:


iN                          # image list item
iN.param                    # image parameter
@"param"                    # parameter of 3-D image
bN                          # band within 3-D image

func()                      # function
constant                    # numeric constant

The 'iN.param' and '@"param"' syntax allows an image header parameter to be accessed. For example 'i2.otime' refers to the 'otime' image header parameter in the second image of a list and '@"otime"' refers to the current image if the input list contains 3-D images. They may be used in an outbands expression such as

(i1*(i1.otime/i2.otime)),i2,(i3*(i3.otime/i2.otime))        (1)
(b1/@"otime")),(b2/@"otime"),(b3/@"otime")                  (2)

to normalize the output bands by the exposure time value in the second image in the first example, or to normalize by the 'otime' keyword of a 3-D image in the second example.

In cases where a constant value is used as an outbands expression an alpha channel (an extra 8-bits of constant intensity) will be created consisting of that value. For example, writing a 32-bit RGB image with an alpha channel of 255 could be written using

cl> export rgbim file outtype="b1" outbands="b1,b2,b3,255"


The expression syntax implemented by export provides the following set of operators:

( expr )                    - grouping
+ - * /                     - arithmetic
**                          - exponentiation
//                          - concatenate
expr ? expr1 : expr2        - conditional expression

&&                          - logical and
||                          - logical or
!                           - logical not
<                           - less than
<=                          - less than or equal
>                           - greater than
>=                          - greater than or equal
==                          - equals
!=                          - not equals
?=                          - substring equals

The conditional expression has the value expr1 if expr is true, and expr2 otherwise. Since the expression is evaluated at every pixel this permits pixel-dependent operations such as checking for special pixel values, or selection of elements from either of two vectors. For example, the command

(i1 <= 0) ? 0 : 1

has the constant value zero if "i1" is less than or equal to zero, and one otherwise, effectively creating a pixel mask of positive pixels. Conditional expressions are general expressions and may be nested or used anywhere an expression is permitted.

The concatenation operator applies to all types of data, not just strings. Concatenating two vectors results in a vector the combined length of the two input vectors. An example use of this would be to concatenate images side-by-side on output.

Special Functions

In addition to the intrinsic functions already provided (see the help page for the imexpr task for a list of standard, mathematical and type conversion functions) there are a number of custom functions for this task:

Output Functions:

 band (args)                - force band interleaved storage
 line (args)                - force line interleaved storage
flipx (args)                - flip image in X dimension
flipy (args)                - flip image in Y dimension

block (val,width,height)    - block fill area with a constant

These functions define how the output data are written. For builtin formats whose normal orientation and storage format is known these functions are ignored (except where noted). These functions may not be used as arguments to other functions (except where noted) or as single operands within expressions (e.g. "255 + flipx(i1)"), however their arguments may be expressions or (perhaps output) functions themselves.

band (args)
Force band storage in the output file regardless of the value of the interleave parameter. This may be used to specify multiple expressions for each band while still forcing band storage (the default for multiple expressions is pixel-interleaved storage). This function may be used with some builtin formats to write multiple images to the output file as if they were a column of images in the original. This function is ignored by builtin formats that do not support this scheme (i.e RGB format) and may be used as an argument to the setcmap(), psdpi(), and psscale() functions only.
line (args)
Force line storage in the output file regardless of the value of the interleave parameter. This may be used to specify multiple expressions for each band while still forcing line storage (the default for multiple expressions is pixel-interleaved storage). This function is ignored by builtin formats that do not support this scheme.
flipx (args)
Flip the image left-to-right on output. This function may be used as an argument to the band(), setcmap(), psdpi(), or psscale() functions only.
flipy (args)
Flip the image top-to-bottom on output. Certain builtin formats (such as GIF, PGM, PPM, RAS and XWD) have their normal orientation already flipped wrt to IRAF and these will automatically be flipped on output. Using this function with those formats cancels the flip action, writing the image in the normal IRAF orientation and not the normal format orientation. This function may be used as an argument to the band(), setcmap(), psdpi(), or psscale() functions only.
block (value, width, height)
Fill an area with a constant value. This function can be used to fill a vertical area between images to provide padding of a constant value. It is similar to the "repl()" intrinsic function which replicates a data element a given number of times.

Scaling Functions:

zscale (arg [,z1, z2 [, nbins]]) - scale to a fixed number of bins
            zscalem (arg1, arg2) - automatic scaling with filtering
        gr[ea]y (arg1,arg2,arg3) - RGB to grayscale conversion
       bscale (arg, zero, scale) - linearly transform intensity scale
    gamma (arg, gamma [, scale]) - apply a gamma correction

These functions may be used to scale the intensity values of the image before output in order to map image datatypes to a specified range. The 'args' value may be a list of image operands or expressions. These functions may be used as arguments to the output functions above or as operands within more complex expressions.

zscale (arg [,z1,z2 [,nbins]])
Scale the pixels in a given range to a specified number of bins. This function will map the input pixels within the range z1 to z2 to one of 'nbins' values. Pixels less than z1 are mapped to the lowest output intensity value, pixels greater than z2 are mapped to the highest value. If no z1 and z2 arguments are given appropriate values will be computed using the same algorithm and default parameters used by the DISPLAY task (see the help page for more information). If no nbins value is given 256 bins are assumed. If the given value of z1 is greater than z2 the mappings will be inverted, i.e. larger pixel values will map to the lower bin numbers, smaller pixel values will map to larger bin numbers. For example, to map the dev$pix test image to 200 colors such that there are "black" stars on a "white" background one could use
zscale (b1, @"i_maxpixval", @"i_minpixval", 200)
zscalem (arg1, arg2)
This is a variant of the zscale operand with automatic scale calculation; i.e. zscale (arg). The first argument is the same as for zscale to select the pixel values. The second argument is a boolean (true or false) expression selecting whether a value in the first argument is to be used in the calculation. This allows limiting the automatic scale calculation to pixels specified in a mask or to a certain range to exclude extreme or bad values that would otherwise perturb the result. Typical usages might be
zscalem (i1, i2==0)
zscalem (i1, i1>0&&i1<10000)
where i1 are the image pixels and i2 would be pixels from the second input argument which defines a mask. Note that you can't just say i2 for a mask but must use it in an expression resulting in a true or false value. Also note that the result is always in the range 0 to 255.
grey (arg1,arg2,arg3) or gray (arg1,arg2,arg3)
Convert three image operands or expressions to a single grayscale image using the standard NTSC equation:
Gray = 0.3 * arg1 + 0.59 * arg2 + 0.11 * arg3
bscale (arg, zero, scale)
Linearly transform the intensity scale of the image using the equation
new[i] = (arg[i] - zero) / scale
Pixels are scaled in their input datatype prior to converting to the output datatype.
gamma (arg, gamma [, scale])
Apply a gamma correction to the pixels. Pixel values are scaled according to the equation
new = scale * [ (old/scale) ** (1.0/gamma) ]
If no scale argument is given a value of 255 will be assumed.

Additional functions are supported for specific formats:

     Function             Description              Formats
     --------             -----------              -------
   cmap (r,g,b [,ncols])  create 8-bit colormap    GIF,RAS,XWD,EPS
setcmap (args, [opts])    define a colormap        GIF,RAS,XWD,EPS
  psdpi (args, dpi)       set dpi for output       EPS
psscale (args, scale)     set scale of output      EPS

These functions may take as arguments some of the output functions named above. For example, one can specify the dpi resolution of EPS output and band storage of images using something like

psdpi(band(args), dpi)
cmap (arg1,arg2,arg3 [, ncolors])
Compute an 8-bit colormap from three image operands or expressions using a Median-Cut Algorithm and Floyd-Steinberg dithering. The computed colormap is written to the header of the output file. The resultant image is an 8-bit color index into the computed colormap. The ncolors argument specifies the number of desired colors, a default value of 256 will be used if not provided. This function is only allowed for builtin formats supporting color lookup tables and may not be used within another expression or function.
setcmap (args, cmap [, brightness, contrast])
Define the colormap to be used on output. This function is only supported for formats that support colormaps, the args expressions are used to compute the color index values. The cmap argument may either be the filename of a normalized colormap table (such as is used by XImtool) or one of the builtin values:
aips0           - and RGB false color mapping
blue            - various shades of blue
color           - standard B/W and RGB colormap
grayscale       - standard grayscale
greyscale       - (alias for above)
green           - various shades of green
halley          - standard halley mission colormap
heat            - temperatures as colors
rainbow         - rainbow colors
red             - various shades of red
staircase       - RGB staircase
standard        - RGB ramps
overlay         - grayscale with IMDKERN overlay colors
Colormap names must be quoted with either single or double quote characters. The optional brightness and contrast arguments have default values of 0.5 and 1.0 respectively corresponding to the default brightness/contrast scaling of the XImtool display server. If the cmap argument is an empty string the default Grayscale LUT will be used, IRAF logical paths may be used in the filename specification.
psdpi (args, dpi)
Specify the dots-per-inch resolution of the output image. The default resolution is 300dpi, this may need to be reset for some printers or if the raster rendering produces "bands" in the output. This function may only be used as an argument to the psscale() function.
psscale (args, scale)
Specify the scale of the output image. The default value is 1.0 which means that image printed on a 300dpi device is roughly the same size as displayed on a typical 72dpi screen. Scale values less than one reduce the image size on the page, values greater than one increase the size. The scale value will automatically be adjusted if it creates an image that will not fit on a 8.5 inch by 11 inch page. A scale value of 0.25 prints one image pixel per 300dpi printer pixel. This function may only be used as an argument to the psdpi() function.

Export header format

The header prepended to the binary data is ascii text consisting of keyword-value pairs, one per line, terminated with a newline after the value, beginning with the magic string "format = EXPORT". Using an ascii header allows the file format to be easily determined by the user with a file pager or any program reading the file.

Defined keywords are:

date                - date file was written (dd/mm/yy)
hdrsize             - size of header (bytes)
ncols               - no. of image columns
nrows               - no. of image rows
nbands              - no. of image bands
datatype            - pixel type (as <type><nbytes>)
outbands            - outband expression list
interleave          - interleave value (same as above)
bswap               - are ints swapped relative to MII format?
image1              - image names used in creating file
header1 '{' <header> '}'  - image headers of above
headerN '{' <header> '}'
end                 - terminate header

If the header parameter is set to "long" the image headers for each image used in creating the file is included in the output header, otherwise only the image names are included.

A sample (verbose) header might look like:

format = EXPORT
date = '19/06/94'
hdrsize = 2084
nrows = 512
ncols = 512
nbands = 1
datatype = 'i2'
outbands = ''
interleave = 0
bswap = no
image1 = "dev$pix"
header1 = {
IRAF-BPX=                   16  /  DATA BITS/PIXEL
IRAFTYPE= 'SHORT   '            /  PIXEL TYPE
CCDPICNO=                   53  /  ORIGINAL CCD PICTURE NUM
ITIME   =                  600  /  INTEGRATION TIME (SECS)
    :   :           :                       :

Builtin formats

While the task provides a way of writing general binary raster files there is still a need for converting to specific formats. Implementing most formats is trivial since they usually follow the data model and the only "builtin" knowledge of the format is the minimal header required. More complex formats such as GIF and EPS are implemented as special cases. Note that all of the builtin formats require 8-bit color index or 8-bits per color in RGB or RGBA files, users should be careful in how the datatype conversion from IRAF image types is handled. In most cases this can be handled with the zscale() or zscalem functions.

For each of the formats listed below the table shows the number of outbands expressions required and the type of output file that can be written. Complete examples for the most common cases are shown in the Examples section below. The columns in the table are defined as

#expr               - number of required outbands expressions
Type                - RGB or 8-bit colormap (index) file
bitpix              - number of bits-per-pixel
CLT?                - does the file have a colormap?
Alpha?              - does the file have an alpha channel?
Interleaving        - type of pixel interleaving
Notes               - see explanation below each table

A general description and specific restrictions or requirements are given for each format. An error is generated of the input parameters do not meet the requirements of the requested format. Unless otherwise noted the values of the header, bswap and interleave parameters will be ignored. The value of outtype will be set internally and is also ignored.

If the input image is 3-D and no outbands expressions are given, then where supported each band will be written to the output file as a complete image or RGB color component. For example, a 512x512x3 image will be written as a 512x1536 image with each band comprising one third the height of the output image. If the output format requires 24-bit pixels then each band of the image will be written as a color component.

The currently supported builtin formats include:

EPS - Encapsulated PostScript
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  1      index  8       no    no      none
The output 8-bit Encapsulated PostScript image centered on the page at a default scale of 1.0 at 300dpi (i.e. the image will appear on a 300dpi printer about the same size as displayed on a 72dpi screen). The output scale may be adjusted using the psscale() function, e.g. to set the output for one image pixel per 300 dpi printer pixel use "psscale(b1,0.25)" (one quarter the normal size on the page). The output dpi resolution may be set explicitly with the psdpi() function, this is sometimes necessary if "bands" appear in the final output image. Color EPS files may be written as either RGB postscript or with a colormap applied to the data (using either the cmap() or setcmap() functions).
GIF - Compuserve's GIF format
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  1      index  8       yes   no      none          1
  3      index  8       yes   no      none          2

      1) Colormap generation enabled using setcmap() or else
         default grayscale colormap will be used
      2) use of cmap() required to generate colormap
The output file is a GIF '87 image. A linear colormap of 256 entries will automatically be generated if only one image or expression is given for conversion and no colormap is specified. If three images or expressions are specified a 24-to-8 bit conversion can be done using a Median Cut Algorithm and Floyd-Steinberg dithering with the required cmap() function. Since the colormap sizes are limited to 256 entries the maximum pixel value is assumed to be 255, i.e. the output pixel size will be forced to 8-bits or less.
IMH - IRAF image file
The output file is an IRAF OIF format image of the specified datatype. Writing the image out as another IRAF image may be used to scale or composite several images into a new image that can be annotated with the TVMARK task before writing out the final format.
MIFF - ImageMagick MIFF format image
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  1      index  8       no    no      none
  1      index  8       yes   no      none          1,2
  3      rgb    24      no    no      pixel

      1) Colormap generation enabled using setcmap()
      2) Colormap generation enabled using cmap()
The output file is a Machine Independent File Format image, with or without a colormap or as a 24-bit RGB image. Although MIFF permits 64K colors in a colormap the task only supports 256 colors, no compression is used in the image. The maximum pixel value per color is assumed to be 255.
PGM - PBMPlus PGM format image
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  1      index  8       no    no      none
  3      index  8       no    no      none          1

      1) Grayscale may be produce with gray() function
The output file is an 8-bit raw (i.e. binary pixels) PGM image. The maximum pixel value is assumed to be 255.
PPM - PBMPlus PPM format image
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  3      rgb    24      no    no      pixel
The output file is an 24-bit raw (i.e. binary pixels) PPM image. The maximum pixel value per color is assumed to be 255.
RAS - Sun rasterfile format
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  1      index  8       no    no      none
  1      index  8       yes   no      none          1,2
  3      rgb    24      no    no      pixel
  4      rgb    32      no    yes     pixel

      1) Colormap generation enabled using setcmap()
      2) Colormap generation enabled using cmap()
The output file will be a Sun rasterfile. The header values (long integers) may be byte swapped by setting the bswap parameter to "yes" or "i4". For 32-bit true-color rasterfiles the alpha channel should be specified as the first expression. The maximum pixel value is assumed to be 255.
RGB - SGI RGB format image
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  1      index  8       no    no      none
  3      rgb    24      no    no      scanline
The output file will be an SGI RGB (IRIS) format image. Although this format supports colormaps they are not supported by this task. The maximum pixel value is assumed to be 255.
XWD - X11 Window dump file
#expr    Type   bitpix  CLT?  Alpha?  Interleaving  Notes
-----    -----  ------  ----  ------  ------------  -----
  1      index  8       yes   no      none          1,2,3
  3      rgb    24      no    no      none

      1) Linear grayscale colormap automatically generated
      2) Colormap generation enabled using setcmap()
      3) Colormap generation enabled using cmap()
The output file will be an X11 window dump file. A linear colormap of 256 entries will automatically be generated if only one image or expression is given for conversion, the setcmap() function may be used to create an alternate colormap. If three images or expressions are specified a 24-to-8 bit conversion can be done using a Median Cut Algorithm and Floyd-Steinberg dithering if the cmap() function is specified. Header values (long integers) may be byte swapped by setting the task bswap parameter to "yes" or "i4". The maximum pixel value is assumed to be 255.

Color output images

In theory the colormaps generated by the cmap() and setcmap() functions could be written in the header for raw binary output and the pixel written out as color indices, but since we also support color index formats which are recognized widely by other packages there is no need to do this. Therefore we limit the use of colormaps to the builtin formats which already support it.

The simplest type of "color" image is the familiar grayscale image. Pixel values represent the display gray level, although for some formats a CLT (color lookup table) is required (e.g. GIF) and these pixel values are actually indices into a grayscale colormap. Most of the conversion done with this task will produce a grayscale image of some sort. For "color index" images the pixel values are indices into a colormap containing the RGB components of the color for a pixel with that value. Colormaps usually permit at most 256 possible colors implying 8-bit pixels. In this task the colormap may be computed either with the cmap() (which does a 24-to-8 bit mapping of the colors) or the setcmap() function (which computes the colormap from a display lookup table of colors). "True color" images are those which have 24-bits of color (8-bit for each component) for each pixel, some true color images also contain an alpha channel (an extra 8-bits of constant intensity) which may or may not be used by the software displaying the image.

The cmap() function takes three images and computes a colormap using Paul Heckbert's Median Cut Algorithm ("Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display", SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings, pg 297) and Floyd-Steinberg dithering technique. The computed colormap is written to the file header and pixel values are converted to color indices. By default 256 colors are computed but fewer colors may be requested. This function is most useful for generating pseudo-color images from three input images taken in different filter bands (which is required for some formats like GIF that do not support 24-bit RGB). The setcmap() function, on the other hand, can be used to generate a color image from a single input image and a lookup table such as the ones used by displays servers like XImtool. In this case the pixel values are indices into a pre-defined colormap which is normalized between zero and one (so that it may be scaled to the desired number of colors). The brightness argument defines the center of the transfer function, the default is 0.5 because it in the middle of the normalized range. The contrast arguments sets the contrast of the transfer function. For example, the normalized pixel values and default brightness/contrast settings will map the pixel values to the corresponding color in the LUT. Changing the brightness to a lower value means that pixel intensities will map to lower values in the LUT, doubling the contrast for instance means that the LUT will increment two colors for every unit pixel change. This is what happens when changing a displayed image in IRAF with the mouse by moving the cursor left-right (changing the brightness) or up-down (changing the contrast).

An example use of this function would be if one wanted to convert an IRAF image to a color rasterfile with the same colormap and intensity scaling as was displayed in XImtool. After adjusting the display the brightness/contrast values could be read from the control panel and the rasterfile generated using

setcmap (b1, "aips0", 0.36, 1.2)

where the "aips0" is one of the builtin colormaps and the brightness and contrast arguments are those from the ximtool display. Similarly, the expression

setcmap (zscale(i1),"idl15.lut")

will save the image with the same intensity scaling and color as would be see by displaying it to ximtool using the default DISPLAY task settings, normalized XImtool brightness/contrast values and the "idl15.lut" LUT in the current directory.


The examples below are divided into several categories showing typical usage when creating various raw and builtin output files. Note that the output file will have a filename extension added indicating the format when converting to a builtin format.

Creating Raw Binary Files

List the pixels being one the standard output, apply a linear scale function first:

cl> export dev$pix "" list outbands="bscale(b1,1.0,3.2)"

Convert the dev$pix test image to an 8-bit binary file with a gamma correction, write the standard header:

cl> export dev$pix bfil raw header+ outty="u1" outbands="gamma(b1,1.8)"

Write the three bands of an IRAF image to a pixel interleaved binary file of short integers, prepend a user-defined header:

cl> export rgbim bfil raw header="hdr.txt" outty="i2" outban="b1,b2,b3"

Convert three images representing RGB to a 4-color line-interleaved file, the IRAF images don't require scaling, create alpha channel:

cl> export rim,gim,bim bfil raw outty="u1" outban="line(i1,i2,i3,0)"

Write the three bands of an IRAF image to a line-interleaved binary file of short integers:

cl> export rgbim binfil raw outtype="i2" outbands="line(b1,b2,b3)"
cl> export rgbim binfil raw outtype="i2" outbands="" interleave=3

Write the three bands of an IRAF image to a grayscale binary file using a custom conversion formula. Pixel values are truncated to 8-bits:

cl> export rgbim grey raw outty="u1" outban="(.2*b1)+(.5*b2)+(.3*b3)"

Creating Specific Formats

Convert dev$pix to an 8-bit Sun rasterfile with no colormap, scale the image to 8-bits using the default zscale() intensity mapping:

cl> export dev$pix dpix ras outbands="zscale(i1)"

Apply various functions to the data before doing the same conversion:

cl> export dev$pix dpix ras outbands="zscale(log(i1))"
cl> export dev$pix dpix ras outbands="zscale(sqrt(i1))"

Convert dev$pix to an 8-bit Sun rasterfile with no colormap, image pixel values are truncated to 8-bits:

cl> export dev$pix dpix ras

Convert three images representing RGB to a 24-bit Sun rasterfile, assume the IRAF images don't require intensity scaling:

cl> export rim,gim,bim rgb ras outbands="i1,i2,i3"

Create a Silicon Graphics RGB format image from a 3-D image:

cl> export rgbim bdata rgb outbands="b1,b2,b3"

Convert dev$pix to an 8-bit GIF grayscale image, scale the image to map only pixel values between 0 and 320:

cl> export dev$pix dpix gif outbands="zscale(i1,0.0,320.0)"

Combine three images representing RGB into an 8-bit X11 window dump grayscale image:

cl> export rim,gim,bim gray xwd outbands="gray(i1,i2,i3)"

Convert dev$pix to an Encapsulated PostScript file at half the normal scale and apply a linear transformation to scale the pixel values:

cl> export dev$pix dpix eps \
>>>    outbands="psscale(bscale(i1,0.,0.32), 0.5)"

Convert three images representing RGB to an 8-bit GIF color image with a computed colormap:

cl> export rim,gim,bim rgb gif outbands="cmap(i1,i2,i3)"

Convert dev$pix to a color rasterfile using the builtin "heat" colormap and default intensity mapping:

cl> export dev$pix dpix ras outban='setcmap(zscale(i1),"heat")'

Convert dev$pix to a color rasterfile using the XImtool "idl15.lut" LUT file in the current directory and default intensity mapping:

cl> copy /usr/local/lib/imtoolcmap/idl15.lut .
cl> export dev$pix dpix ras outbands="setcmap(zscale(i1),'idl15.lut')"

Advanced Usage

Given a set of DISPLAY task z1/z2 values of 10 and 320 respectively, and brightness/contrast values from XImtool of 0.6 and 1.2 respectively, convert an image to an EPS file with the same appearance:

im> type expr
setcmap ( zscale (i1, 10.0, 320.0), "greyscale", 0.6, 1.2 )
im> export dev$pix dpix eps outbands="@expr"

Concatenate two images side-by-side to a PGM file, normalize each image by it's exposure time and apply a default intensity mapping:

cl> export im1,im2 two pgm \
>>>     outbands='(zscale(i1/i1.otime)) // (zscale(i2/i2.otime))'

Convert dev$pix to a color GIF using the XImtool "idl15" LUT with a spec- ified brightness/contrast scale. Map only pixel values between 5 and 300 to 201 output intensity values. This should produce and image identical to what one would get by displaying dev$pix to imtool, setting the same brightness/contrast scale, and selecting the idl15 LUT:

cl> copy /usr/local/lib/imtoolcmap/idl15.lut .
cl> type expr.dat
      setcmap (
          zscale(i1, 5.0, 320.0, 201),
cl> export dev$pix dpix gif outbands="@expr.dat"

Combine three images representing RGB to an 8-bit Sun rasterfile with a computed colormap. Scale the intensity value of each image differently.

cl> type expr.dat
      cmap (
          zscale (i1),
          zscale (i2, 0.0, 1200.0),
          zscale (i3, -1.0, 320.0) )
cl> export im1,im2,im3 rgb ras outbands="@expr.dat"

Do the same example but apply a gamma correction to the images:

cl> type expr.dat
      cmap (
          gamma (zscale(i1),        2.2),
          gamma (zscale(i2,0,1200), 2.2),
          gamma (zscale(i3,-1,320), 2.2) )

Write four images to a grayscale GIF file such that they are tiled in a 2x2 grid:

cl> export im1,im2,im3,im4 quad gif \
>>>        outbands="band( (i1//i2), (i3//i4) )"

Do the same example but create a border of 2 gray pixels around each of the images and apply the AIPS0 LUT with brightness/contrast values to create a color image:

cl> copy /usr/local/lib/imtoolcmap/aips0.lut .
cl> type expr.dat
      setcmap (
              128, 128,
              (repl (128,2) // i1// repl (128,2) // i2 // repl (128,2)),
              128, 128,
              (repl (128,2) // i3// repl (128,2) // i4 // repl (128,2)),
              128, 128 ),
cl> export im1,im2,im3,im4 cquad gif outbands="@expr.dat"

Automatically scale an image ignoring data in a bad pixel mask (bpm), map the result to the greyscale part of the "overlay" color map, and apply a overlay pattern given by another mask (pattern).

cl> export dev$pix,bpm,pattern foo gif \
>>> outbands = "setcmap(i3==0?(zscalem(i1,i2==0)*200/255.):i3+203,'overlay')"

The pattern has values of 1 and 203 is added to get it into the color map values of the overlay colors. The factor of 200/255 is to scale the result of zscalem from the range 0-255 to the range 0-200.


This task is new with V2.11.

(long int headers in RAS and XWD may cause problems on 64-bit machines like the Alpha where host software expects 64-bit values. Need to see if IRAF on the alpha produces 32 or 64-bit longs, either way exchanging images may be a problem)


Output of bitmap images is currently not supported.

See also

import, tvmark, imexpr