rfits: Convert FITS image data into a list of IRAF images

Package: dataio


rfits fits_file file_list iraf_file


The FITS data source. Fits_file is either a list of disk files or a tape device specification of the form mt[*][n], where mt is the mag tape device (e.g. mta), * is an optional density (e.g. 1600), and [n] is an optional tape file number. If n is specified then only image data in the nth tape file is read.
The list of FITS extensions to be read from each disk file or from a single tape file, or the list of tape files AND FITS extensions to be read from an entire tape. FITS extensions are numbered from 0 to n, tape files are numbered from 1 to n. If file_list is "", only the 0th extension is read from each disk file or from a single tape file, but all the files and extensions are read from an entire tape. Legal file lists are composed of a series of file numbers and / or file ranges separated by commas or whitespace. For example the string
will convert ALL the FITS extensions in files 1 through 8 on tape, but only FITS extensions 1 through 8 from a disk file or a single tape file. For the case of disk input, the same FITS extensions must be read from each input file. For the case of tape input the FITS extensions to be read from each file must be specified separately. For example the following string
tells rfits to convert extensions 2 through 4 in tape files 1 through 10 and extensions 1 through 10 in tape files 15 through 21. Rfits will only convert extensions which contain image data. Other types of fits data such as tables will not be converted.
The IRAF file which will receive the FITS image data if the make_image parameter switch is set. Iraf_file may be a template of output image names or a single root output image name. In the former case one output image name must be specified for every input file. In the latter case iraf_file is a root output image name to which the input file sequence number or tape file number is appended if the number of input files > 1. For example reading files 1 and 3 from a FITS tape with a value of iraf_file of "data" will produce the files data0001 and data0003, whereas reading the same two files with a value of iraf_file of "data1,data2" will produce the files data1 and data2. Extension numbers will be appended to the root output names if appropriate.
make_image = yes
If make_images is "yes" convert the FITS image data to IRAF image data, otherwise simply print the header information using the long_header or short_header switches.
long_header = no
If long_header is "yes" the full FITS header is printed on the standard output.
short_header = yes
If short_header is "yes" and long_header is "no", only the output filename, the title string, and the image dimensions are printed on the standard output.
The output image data type. Datatype may be s (short integer), i (integer), u (unsigned integer), l (long integer), r (real), or d (double). Data truncation may occur if an inappropriate data type is specified. If an unsupported data type or a null string is supplied then a default data type is selected based on the value of the fits bitpix, bscale, and bzero parameters. If the bscale and bzero parameters in the FITS header are undefined or equal to 1.0 and 0.0 respectively, rfits selects datatype s or l depending on bitpix. If bscale and bzero are set to 1.0 and 32768.0, rfits selects datatype, otherwise rfits selects datatype r.
blank = 0.
The IRAF image value assigned to a FITS blank pixel.
scale = yes
If scale is "no" then the data values are read directly from the FITS image without conversion. Otherwise rfits scales the data before output using the values of bscale and bzero.
oldirafname = no
If the oldirafname switch is set rfits will attempt to restore the image to disk with the filename defined by the IRAFNAME parameter in the FITS header.
offset = 0
An integer parameter specifying the offset to the current tape file number. For example if offset = 100, iraf_file = "fits" and file_list = "1-3" then the output file names will be "fits0101", "fits0102" and "fits0103" respectively rather than "fits0001", "fits0002" and "fits0003".


FITS data is read from the specified source; either disk or magnetic tape. The FITS header may optionally be printed on the standard output as either a full listing or a short description. The FITS long blocks option is supported.

At present non-standard FITS files (SIMPLE = F) and files containing group data are skipped and a warning message is issued. Image stored in the FITS standard extension IMAGE can be read. Other standard extensions such as TABLE and BINTABLE are currently ignored.

A warning message will be issued if the default user area allocated in memory is too small to hold all the FITS parameter cards being read in by RFITS. Since the default user area is 64000 characters and a single card image is 81 characters long, the normal user area will hold ~800 complete card images. RFITS will not permit partial cards to be written. The user can override the default user area length by setting the environment variable min_lenuserarea (see example below).


1. Convert all the image data on a mag tape to individual IRAF images. Allow rfits to select the output datatype and set blanks to zero.

cl> rfits mtb1600 "" images

or alternatively

cl> rfits mtb1600 * images

2. Convert FITS files on disk to IRAF images. In the first example case the files specified by fits* are written to images images0001, images0002, etc. In the second example the fits disk files listed one per line in the text file fitslist are written to the output images listed one per line in the file imlist. Note that by using 0 or "" for the file_list parameter the user has told rfits to read only the primary fits data unit.

cl> rfits fits* "" images

or alternatively

cl> rfits fits* 0 images

cl> rfits @fitslist "" @imlist

or alternatively

cl> rfits @fitslist 0 @imlist

3. List the contents of a FITS tape on the standard output without creating any image files.

cl> rfits mtb1600 "" images ma-

4. Convert FITS files on tape directly to IRAF images without scaling.

cl> rfits mtb1600 "" images scal-

5. Convert the first three FITS files on tape to IRAF image converting FITS blank values to -1 in the process. Note that the user will not get what he or she expects if the output data type is ushort.

cl> rfits mta 1-3 images blank=-1

6. Read in a disk FITS file with a header roughly twice the usual IRAF length of 64000 characters.

cl> set min_lenuserarea = 128000
cl> rfits fitsimage "" image

7. Read a FITS tape which has 5 normal fits records (2880 bytes) to a tape record. Notice that no hidden rfits parameters are required to do this.

cl> rfits mta * images

8. Convert only the zeroth FITS extension in each of the first 100 files on a magnetic tape and try to restore the original IRAF image name in the process.

cl> rfits mta 1-100[0] images old+

9. Convert the second, third, and fourth FITS extensions in the first 100 files of a FITS tape and try to restore the original IRAF name in the process.

cl> rfits mta "1-100[2-4]" images old+

10. Convert the second, third, and fourth FITS extensions in each of a list of disk files and restore the original IRAF name in the process.

cl> rfits @fitslist "2-4" images old+

11. Convert the second, third, and fourth FITS extensions in the fifth mag tape file and try to restore the original IRAF name in the process.

cl> rfits mta[5] "2-4" images old+


Blank pixels are counted and set to a user determined value, but they are not records in the output image header.

Rfits can read image data only. Other FITS data types such as ASCII and binary tables are skipped.

See also

wfits, reblock, t2d, fits kernel