mathfcns: Mathematical routines

Package: language


Function    Return value                  Description

sin(x)          real                    sine
cos(x)          real                    cosine
tan(x)          real                    tangent
atan2(x,y)      real                    arc-tangent
exp(x)          real                    e**x
log(x)          real                    natural logarithm
log10(x)        real                    common logarithm
frac(x)         real                    fractional part
abs(x)          type of argument        absolute value
min(a,b,...)    type of min. arg        minimum of a list of values
max(a,b,...)    type of max. arg        maximum of a list of values
real(x)         real                    convert to real
int(x)          integer                 integer part


A number of mathematical functions are available under the CL. In general they return real values and may be used wherever a real expression is valid. The input arguments may be integer or real and may be mixed in cases where the function has more than one argument. Exceptions:

abs(x)      returns real or integer depending on its argument
int(x)      returns an integer
min,max     return a copy of the min/max operand, no type change

Note that the intrinsic functions int and real may be called to decode string valued arguments.


y = sin (x)
  = 180 / 3.1415927 * atan2 (x, y)
i = int (max (4.3, x, y, 2))
  = 1. - (sin(.5)**2 + cos(.5)**2)


An invalid argument list to a math function (e.g. log(-1)) will terminate a script.

See also
