scan: Scan the standard input

Package: language


scan  (p1, p2, p3 ... pn)
fscan (param, p1, p2, p3, ... pn)
scanf  (format, p1, p2, p3 ... pn)
fscanf (param, format, p1, p2, p3, ... pn)

n = nscan()


The name of an output parameter, to receive a scanned value.
The name of the input parameter whose value is to be scanned to produce the output values.
A C-like format specification string containing plain characters, which which must match exactly what's on the input stream, and conversion specifications, each of which causes conversion and scanning of zero or more args.


Scan, scanf, fscan, and fscanf permit the user to read in values from the standard input, a file, or a parameter and assign them to the listed parameters. Fscan or fscanf may also be used to read a string already in core. It is useful to consider these functions as performing two disjoint actions: acquiring a string, where scan/scanf and fscan/fscanf differ; and parsing the string, where they are identical.

Scan/scanf acquires its string by reading exactly one line from the standard input. The action of fscan/fscanf depends on param. If param is a string, or a struct, then the string is simply the value of param. If, however, param is a list-directed struct, a call to fscanfscanf will get the next line from the file pointed to by param. The file can be rewound by assigning a file name to param. If either scan or fscan reach an EOF, they return with the value EOF and do not change any parameters.

Once the string has been acquired it is parsed into segments delimited by spaces or tabs in the case of scan or fscan, or when using scanf and fscanf with no field width specification for the field formats. Scan and fscan do not recognize quoted strings, nor do they view ',' as a delimiter. The formatted scan functions scanf and fscanf recognize ',' as a delimiter in the case of numeric conversion only. Each token is then assigned in turn to p1 through pn. If there are too many tokens they are discarded, if there are too few, the corresponding parameters are not affected by the call. Any conversion error terminates the scan, but parameters already scanned retain their new values. An assignment to a struct terminates the scan because the entire unscanned portion of the string is assigned to the struct. Thus any struct should be the last parameter in a scan or fscan call.

Scan/scanf and fscan/fscanf are intrinsic functions returning either EOF if end of file on the input list is sensed, or the number of parameters successfully scanned. The function nscan also returns the number of parameters successfully scanned in the last call to scan or fscan.

A field format specification has the form "%[*][W][lh]C", where '*' indicates the field should be skipped, W is the field width, 'l' indicates longword output, 'h' indicates halfword output, and C is the format code. The format codes C are as follows:

c    single character (c or '\c' or '\0nnn')
d    decimal integer
e    exponential format
f    fixed format
g    general format
o    octal integer
s    string
x    hexadecimal integer

The W (field width) specification indicates the exact number of characters to assign to the given argument, e.g. "%2s" would assign two characters of an input string to a string variable even though the actual string might contain more before a delimiting whitespace. For numeric input, only W digits, decimal points, or exponentiation characters are assigned, e.g. "%3f" used on the string "1.23456" would result in a value of "1.2", "%2d" used on the string "12345" would result in a value of "12", and so on. If no field width is specified all characters up to a delimiting whitespace are used in the conversion, in the case of numeric data and a numeric format characters up to a whitespace or non-numeric (including decimal points and an 'e' or 'd' exponentiation character) are used.


1. Print a list of radii, given a list of coordinates.

list = coords
while (fscan (list, x, y) != EOF)
    print (sqrt (x**2 + y**2))

2. Use a formatted scan of the standard input.

cl> print ("1.234 5 7.34abc") | scanf ("%g %d %f %s", x, i, y, s1)
cl> =x
cl> =i
cl> =y
cl> =s1

3. Use a formatted scan from a "list" parameter.

fscanf (list, "%g %d %f %s", x, i, y, s1)


The syntax of scan and fscan is peculiar, in that they are the only functions where parameters are effectively passed by reference rather than by value. Thus p1, ... pn must be parameters whereas in similar contexts an arbitrary expression can be used wherever a parameter can.

See also

string, print, fprint, printf