partab: Transfer an IRAF parameter to a table element.

Package: nttools


partab value table column row


This task changes the value of a table element to the value of the input parameter 'value'. If 'value' is set to "INDEF", the table element will be set to undefined. If the data type of the table element is different from that of the input parameter 'value', this task will perform type conversion. The strings "yes", "y", "no", "n", "true", "t", "false", and "f", in either upper or lower case are interpreted as boolean values.


value [string]
The IRAF parameter that will be copied into the table element.
table [file name]
Name of the table.
column [string]
Column name. (Column names are not case sensitive).
row [integer, min=1, max=INDEF]
Row number.


1. Set the twelfth component (i.e., row 12 of column 'COMPNAME') in the file '' to "FILTER1":

tt> partab FILTER1 COMPNAME 12

2. Set the first wavelength (i.e., row 1 of column 'WAVELENGTH') in the file '' to the value contained in parameter 'x':

tt> partab (x) WAVELENGTH 1

3. Set the hundreth wavelength (i.e., row 100 of column 'WAVELENGTH') in '' to undefined:

tt> partab INDEF WAVELENGTH 100



This task was written by Bernie Simon.

See also

keypar, keytab, parkey, tabkey, tabpar