tcalc: Perform arithmetic operations on table columns.

Package: nttools


tcalc table outcol equals


This task evaluates an arbitrary expression that includes column names, constants, and operators, and creates a specified column in the table---or overwrites an existing column if the specified name already exists. Variables in the expression are column names in either case.

Columns may be of any type except string. If the column name contains non-alphanumeric characters, it should be preceded by a dollar sign and followed by a blank. For example, the expression "date-obs+1." contains the column "date-obs", but the task thinks that it contains two column names, "date" and "obs". To ensure that the expression is evaluated correctly, rewrite it as "$date-obs +1.". The variable "rownum" may also be used in an expression if there is no column in the table of the same name. Its value is the current row number. The expression will be evaluated using the data types of the columns and constants in the expression, with the usual rules of type promotion used in Fortran. Please remember that integer division truncates.

The output value in any row will be set to INDEF if one or more column values used in the calculation is equal to INDEF. The result will be INDEF if either of the clauses in an if expression contains a row with an INDEF value. If the result of an operation is undefined (such as division by zero) the output column will also be set to INDEF.

The following Fortran-type arithmetic operators are supported. If the second argument of the exponentiation is not an integer, the result will be undefined if the first argument is not positive. Again, remember that integer division truncates.

+       addition                -       subtraction
*       multiplication          /       division
-       negation                **      exponentiation

The following logical operators are supported. Logical operators will return a value of 1 if true or 0 if false. Logical operators are supported in both their Fortran and SPP form.

.or. ||                logical or      .and.   &&      logical and
.eq. ==                equality        .ne.    !=      inequality
.lt. <         less than       .gt.    >       greater than
.le. <=                less or equal   .ge.    >=      greater or equal
.not. !                not

The following functions are supported. These functions all take a single argument, which may be an expression. The argument or result of trigonometric functions are in radians.

abs     absolute value          acos    arc cosine
asin    arc sine                atan    arc tangent
cos     arc cosine              cosh    hyperbolic cosine
cube    third power             double  convert to double
exp     E raised to power       int     convert to integer
log     natural logarithm       log10   common logarithm
nint    nearest integer         real    convert to real
sin     sine                    sinh    hyperbolic sine
sqr     second power            sqrt    square root
tan     tangent                 tanh    hyperbolic tangent

The following functions take two arguments.

atan2   arc tangent             dim     positive difference
max     maximum                 min     minimum
mod     modulus                 sign    sign transfer

Conditional expressions of the form "if expr then expr else expr" are supported. The expression after the else may be another conditional expression. The words "if", "then", and "else" must be surrounded by blanks.


table [file name template]
The input table, or tables; these files are modified in-place. Results will be written to a new column in the table unless an existing column name is specified, in which case the existing values will be overwritten.
outcol [string]
Output column name. This is the column where results are written. Caution: if this column already exists, then it will be overwritten with the results of the calculation. Note that column names are not case sensitive.
equals [string]
The arithmetic expression to evaluate. If the expression is too long to pass as a parameter, place the expression in a file and set the value of this parameter to the file name preceded by an "@", for example, "@filename".
(datatype = real) [string, allowed values: real | double | int ]
Type of data stored in the output column, if it is a new column.
(colunits) [string]
Units for the output column, if it is a new column. This parameter may be blank.
(colfmt) [string]
Print format for the output column, if it is a new column. If this parameter is left blank then a default will be used. Type "help ttools opt=sysdoc" for more information about print formats.


1. Create a column called 'FLUX', which will contain a value equal to 10.0**(-x/2.5) where x is the value in the column 'MAG'. The new column will contain single precision data.

tt> tcalc "intab" "FLUX" "10.0**(-mag/2.5)"

2. Create a column called 'POLY', which will contain a value equal to x+x**2 where x is the row number in the table.

tt> tcalc "test" "POLY" "rownum+sqr(rownum)"

3. Set quotient to zero where divison by zero would otherwise occur:

tt> tcalc "test" "QUOT" "if y != 0 then x / y else 0."



This task was written by Bernie Simon.

See also


Type "help ttools opt=sys" for a higher-level description of the 'tables' package.